My little brother turns forty today. It brings me joy to see that not only did we both make it, but a lot of things are better than we could of imagined in this stage of life. I value my brother more than he may even know. I think he may look at me as his bossy brother, but I've always felt I had to protect him from the mistakes that I made coming up. The beautiful thing about our relationship is that we were raised up to be close. He was my best man when I got married and I was his. Not because we didn't won't our friends to be upset if we picked one over the other. He has truly been my best friend. As I think what this last week has bought. I ponder on my step father preparing to bury his older brother. I was told by my mom he felt that he was all alone in this world without him. I'm sensitive to what he's feeling. If I lost my brother I know It would be a void that is irreplaceable. Well to happier feelings, Bush is funny, out going, and a person that will give you his last if it would make it better for you. Our family got together and gave him a little surprise birthday party yesterday and I don't know if he was really surprised, but I'm glad he knows we care enough to make sure his birthday was special to us as well. Thanks to his wife, Lynn who altered her plans she had for him to accommodate our little surprise. His oldest son evidently pays attention to him. Bush loves cars and Javon couldn't get him a real one, but he made sure he got him his Mustang. To me that was one of the touching moments of yesterday. Happy Birthday little brother enjoy your day and make sure Lynn gives you the big piece of chicken today lol. Love you, God bless!!!!!

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